Google Classroom


Most SBA HS and many MS teachers use Google Classroom for assignments, collaboration, general class communications, and student submission of work. Teachers use their email account for student/Google Classroom communication.

Parents can request the ability to monitor a student’s progress within a class (notifications are turned off by default, and the student class code will not work for parent invitations). Teachers maintain the authority over this, and may invite parents to receive parent notifications that include:

    • Missing assignments

    • Upcoming assignments

    • Class activities

Google Classroom notifications do not include specific student grade information, copies of work, collaboration streams, attachments added in a class activity, or the actual Google Classroom “Homepage.”

Parents/Guardians can request Notifications from their student’s teacher(s):

    1. Contact teacher via your preferred email account or by personal contact

    2. If the teacher agrees, you will receive an email notification sent to your preferred email

    3. Parents do not have to log into Classroom to receive updates.

    4. Parents can control how often they will receive notifications.