Finding Biblical Joy

These times are tough. I don't even have to go in the details of how they are tough, but together we know they are difficult. During this time more than ever, it is essential we press into God through prayer and scripture. Together, let's look for Him in these trials and trust in His plans. I want to share five truths on finding authentic, lasting joy in every season.

#1: Authentic joy and true happiness is found in God's presence.

By spending time in God’s word and in prayer, we can enter into God’s joy-filled presence and allow His truths about joy to fill our hearts.

#2: Lasting joy is possible in every season when we follow God’s truths.

Choosing joy during challenging life circumstances is never easy, especially when we ignore God’s wisdom and choose to follow our own ways. When we chose to let the Holy Spirit reign in our hearts, we see the joy as one of the Fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22).

#3: Trusting God with our future brings undeniable joy and peace.

Joy does not have to make logical sense for the circumstances we are in; God promises that He will provide joy when we trust in Him (Proverbs 12:620, Psalm 28:7). “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy” (Psalm 30:11).

#4: Joy is an invaluable gift of God that radiates to others.

2 Corinthians 6:10 reminds us that we can be heart broken but still have joy and give spiritual riches to others. 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 describes God's followers as broken clay jars who have God's radiant, joy-filled light shining through them. This Bible verse about joy clearly states that God uses life's problems as proof that our Christian joy through trials is a gift from God (not something we've discovered on our own).

#5: Joy transforms our difficult circumstances into times of blessing.

Of course, it’s contradictory to even think that joy can come from difficult times, but that is a promise from the Bible. In James 1:2-4, it says life’s troubles are “an opportunity for great joy” because times of trial bring incredible endurance to our faith. Life’s trials can bring great blessings because we can be confident in knowing that God will use them as part of our future testimony (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).