Health Services
Nurse News
Tips on How to Avoid Respiratory Illness
Wash your hands (A LOT!)
Avoid close contact with those that are sick.
Routine surface cleaning
Respiratory Etiquette:
Cover your coughs
Sneeze into tissue and immediately throw tissue away
Sneeze into elbows not hands
Keep hands away from mouth, eyes, and nose.
Stay home if you are sick.
Students must be:
Eligible in Ascend to attend campus.
24 hours fever free (without fever reducing medicine) and symptom free in order to return to school.
If you are fever free and still do not feel well, please stay home.
Criteria to return to campus after diagnosis of flu:
24 hours fever free without fever reducing agent
symptom free/significantly improved
Criteria to return to campus after diagnosis of pneumonia:
24 hours fever free without fever reducing agent
enough energy to return to regular routine of school
eating and drinking well
overall symptoms improved
Updates Coming in Magnus
Beginning on January 1, 2025, Magnus will accept health forms through mobile upload and desktop upload only. This method of submission is quick, produces higher quality copies of forms, and can be completed on-the-go.
Following this change, the few parents that have historically used the old paper fax method to submit records to Magnus will no longer be able to do so, all parents can still upload records through their parent portal by logging into their Magnus account on their computer or tablet, or for an even easier process can do so through our mobile app.
This update will provide your school community with a more modern and user-friendly experience for submitting student documentation.
Step by step instructions on how to upload records are here.
Sage Dining - Allergy Free Meals Offered Daily
At Silverdale, we have 102 students (K-12th) with a food allergies and 27 of those kids have a life threatening food allergies. We take food allergies very seriously and want to keep each other as safe as best as possible.
While Sage (our dining services) continues to be completely "nut-free", they have taken an additional step this year to keep our students safe from their food allergens. Sage has put together a separate food option called their Freestyle service. This service offers lunches made without the 12 most common allergens. Read more on this service below.
Click the downward arrow on the right of screen to read more on FreeStyle.
Return to School after Flu, Strep, and Covid
Flu - Your child can return when he/she is 24 hours fever free (without fever reducing medications) and symptom free.
Strep - Your child can return after he/she has been on antibiotics for 24 hours and is 24 hours fever free (without fever reducing medications) and symptom free.
Covid - Your child can return after he/she is 24 hours fever free (without fever reducing medications) and symptoms significantly improved.
Return to School Timelines After Illness
Silverdale Baptist Academy Health Clinic
Mrs. Anne Widener heads our Health Services Department providing preventative and immediate nursing care as well as health education to preschool through 12th grade students, faculty, and staff. Nurse Anne and Shelby provide care for chronic and acute illnesses and injuries, prepare and implement emergency health plans, serve as a liaison to community health resources, and promote overall wellness with our students.
Contact Information
Location: Room 113 located on the Preschool hall
Hours : Monday thru Friday 8:00AM – 2:30PM
Anne Widener, RN BSN MBA: Director of Health Services & School Nurse
423-892-2319 ex. 2260
Fax: 423-892-2147
Shelby Vandegriff, BS MA: Nurse Assistant
423-892-2319 ex. 2261
Fax: 423-892-2147
Doctor's Notes
When are doctor's notes required?
After the 3rd consecutive day of sickness
After surgery
After injury that interferes with student functioning normally in school setting (ie, casts, crutches, elevator use, excuse from physical education)
Missing school due to doctor's appointment
Has suspicious skin eruptions or rashes not readily identified. These should be considered contagious and will require a doctor’s note to return to school.
Has untreated redness in eye as well as crusting or excessive drainage from eye. A doctor's note is necessary that states the student has been treated for at least 24 hours and has been cleared to return to school.
Where do you submit doctor's notes?
Preschool & Elementary School submit doctor’s notes to
Middle & High School submit doctor’s notes to AND
School Dismissal Guidelines
A child will be dismissed if he/she:
Has a temperature of 100.0 or greater
Has diarrhea
Has persistent abdominal discomfort
Has a persistent headache
Has persistent pain anywhere, with or without impaired mobility.
Has a severe cold, cough, sneezing, sore throat, or red watery eyes.
Has suspicious skin eruptions or rashes not readily identified. These should be considered contagious and will require a doctor’s note to return to school.
Has untreated redness in eye as well as crusting or excessive drainage from eye. A dr note is necessary that states the student has been treated for at least 24 hours and has been cleared to return to school.
Demonstrates any other condition rendering him/her unable to function and fully participate in school.
If your child is sick at home...
If your child is sick,
Stay home
Nurse Anne ( with your child’s symptoms AND
Your child’s teacher for preschool and elementary school students OR for middle school/high school students
Sick with COVID? Return to campus information for COVID.
If your child is sick at school...
If your child becomes sick at school,
The student will be referred to the School Nurse.
After a nurse visit, you will receive an email from Magnus Health with more details from your child's visit to the nurse office.
Immunization Forms
Upload your child's immunization records (including COVID vaccine card) to their Magnus Health account under Immunizations. Any time new immunizations are received, please upload an updated immunization record
Care Plans Forms
Please submit your student's care plan via your student's Magnus Health. Templates can be found below and in Magnus Health. New care plans will need to be submitted at the beginning of each school year.
Medication Authorization Form
If your child needs to take a medication at school, download the Medication Authorization Form and submit to your student's Magnus Health account. New medication authorization forms will need to be submitted at the beginning of each school year. The medication must be in the original pill bottle and transported to the school nurse or receptionist by an adult.
Athletic Physical Form
Once form is completed, upload directly to your child's Magnus Health account.
All physicals, to be good for 2021-2022 school-year, must be completed AFTER April 15, 2021.